Co-operative and Service Agreement with SunRui Marine Environment Engineering Co. Ltd - 03/2018
In March 2018 MSS Ltd has signed co-operative and service ageement with SunRuin Marine Environment Engineering Co Ltd, state-owned company subsidiary of CSIC for providing in Europe the full package solution for retroffiting: 3D scanning, design, installation supervision for BalClor® BWMS.
BalClor® BWMS is a Ballast Water Treatment System based on side-stream electrrohlorination.
Main stranght o fthe system are:
- Advanced weaving thechnology, fine filtration grade
- Outstanding back-flushing effect, excellent anti-corrosion performance
-Low maintenace cost
SunrRui BWMS are USCG type system, approved by major class societies including:
USCG (United State Coast Guard), Bureau Veritas, ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) , DNV-GL (Dnvdent Norske Veristas), RINA (Registo Italiano navade), IMO, Lloyds register and possess the 1st CCS type approval granted BWMS manufacturer in the world.